Join us today as we focus on our Victory in Jesus and then study through John 1:35-51 and see how Jesus Invites Us to Himself.
Southside Church - 01.24.21 Worship Stream
Today we will ask ourselves the question, "What Does Jesus Mean To You?" Does the answer affect our lives? Join us as we explore John 1 to see who the real Jesus is and how that should motivate us as disciples of the Christ.
Wait For The Lord - 04.12.2020
Sunday Thoughts During the COVID-19 Worship Changes
Imagine how much we can learn from God if we will have the faith and courage to wait for His timing in our lives. This study will watch how David learned to wait on the Lord. Then we will look at Judas and Peter at time of the crucifixion of Jesus and note the lessons from their failures against Jesus.